
The development of Tasmania’s first Youth Jobs Strategy was announced by the Premier in February 2023, and over the last 18 months the Department of State Growth (through Jobs Tasmania) and Department of Education, Children and Young People have undertaken an extensive and phased program of consultation to ensure the Strategy’s ambition and approach reflects the needs and aspirations of young people in Tasmania.

This has included:

  • more than 200 stakeholder interviews with employers, youth service providers, educators, government and research institutes
  • establishment of a dedicated Youth Panel to advise on content, youth consultation and engagement
  • various focused workshops, Communities of Practice, forums and events
  • a Youth Jobs Strategy discussion paper and public submissions process
  • the inaugural Youth Jobs and Participation Summit

A public consultation process was held from 15 September to 27 October 2023. A discussion paper (PDF 3.2 MB) was produced to support this process.

Formal submissions received via email will be published when consideration of all submissions has concluded. Submissions received via feedback from will be considered as part of the consultation process but will not be published.

Between 15 September 2023 and 27 October 2023 members of the public were invited to directly respond to the key issues raised in the discussion paper or make comment on any other issues or potential solutions they feel may be relevant to the development and implementation of the Strategy.

34 formal submissions and 14 online feedback forms were received from stakeholders across industry and business, the community and youth services sector, education and training, government and private citizens.

The table below lists all formal submissions in alphabetical order received in response to the Youth Jobs Strategy Discussion Paper.

consultation report cover with vector graphics

Download the Consultation Report

A consultation report has been prepared to outline the methodology and to summarise what we heard and learnt throughout the consultation process. The analysis highlights the consistent themes that informed the development of the Strategy’s ambition, vision and principles.