– Young people’s vision for success –

All young Tasmanians feel empowered and are supported to access meaningful education, training or employment opportunities.

The Strategy

The development of the strategy’s vision, ambition and objectives have been informed by the voices and experiences of young people, educators, industry leaders, service providers and others in community who are working to ensure that all young people in Tasmania have access to the information, guidance and support they need to participate in education, training and work.

The strategy has been designed to be flexible and responsive and will build on existing efforts and partnerships across government, industry, and community to drive both immediate practical impact and deeper, longer-term reform.

It will be supported by successive two-year actions plans that will detail the specific activities, initiatives, and policies that will collectively work towards achieving the strategy’s ambition.

A cross-sector Youth Jobs and Participation Taskforce will be established as an immediate priority to lead the development and implementation of the first two-year action plan.

Youth Jobs Strategy

The Tasmanian Government's Youth Jobs Strategy aims to improve youth engagement in employment, further education and training.

Statement of commitment to young people

This Statement of Commitment has been developed in consultation with young people, to guide the Tasmanian Government’s approach to partnering with young people to achieve the goals set out in the strategy.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Youth Jobs Strategy is a collaboration between the Department of State Growth (Jobs Tasmania) and the Department for Education, Children and Young People.

A review of national and international research and evidence informed the development of the strategy’s guiding principles and framework for action.

Extensive consultation provided stakeholders and community members with the opportunity to have input. This led to further refinement of the strategy’s objectives and the priority action areas.

A range of consultation activities occurred in partnership with the Youth Network of Tasmania so that young Tasmanians could also inform the strategy’s development.

Youth Jobs and Participation Taskforce will lead the development of the first two-year action plan and oversee its implementation.

This Taskforce will include leaders from industry, community, education and training sectors and government. Young people will also have an active role on the Taskforce and the development and implementation of action plans.

The impact will be measured through quantitative indictors and qualitative evidence including case studies and surveys.

By 2030, through quantitative indicators we will strive to see Tasmania:

  • Increase the level of 20-24 year olds fully engaged in employment, education and training at least to the national average.
  • Increase the proportion of young people aged 20-24 with a successful year 12 completion or certificate III or above to at least the national average.
  • Reduce the proportion of young people aged 15-24 Not in Employment Education or Training (NEET) to or below the national average.
  • Increase the mental health and wellbeing of young people (Personal Wellbeing Index) to at least the national average.
  • Increase the ratio of entry level roles to available candidates to the national average.

Outcome indicators will also be developed to measure progress against activities and initiatives outlined in each two-year action plan.

Brief, high-level reports on the implementation status and initial outcomes of the action plans will also be produced periodically.

The Youth Jobs Strategy focuses on improving employment, education and training pathways and outcomes for young people either in or about to participate in the labour market. This approach is designed to achieve practical change while also putting the foundations in place for enduring reforms.

Future iterations of the strategy will consider how career guidance and exposure can be introduced in a meaningful way in earlier years.

The Strategy recognises the incredible work of the thousands of dedicated service providers, support workers, teachers, employers, parents, and community members working tirelessly to create opportunities and provide guidance and support for young Tasmanians navigating their journey to adulthood and independence.

The Strategy will build on these efforts in place and support organisations to continue delivering outcomes for young people by improving coordination and collaboration across the employment education and training ecosystem, including partnerships and other mechanisms to better plan and coordinate activity to address gaps in service and reduce duplication in education, training and employment support.

The development and implementation of two-year action plans will involve key stakeholders across industry and community sectors to ensure we continue to build on and invest in what’s already working in our communities, policies or systems to jump-start this reform.

You can visit the website: youthjobsstrategy.tas.gov.au to see a range of documents and updates on the strategy’s progress including implementation plans and activity reporting.